We all know that each and every one of us is responsible at some level for Health & safety at work, Don’t We?

HCTA chose to invite a speaker on Sentencing Laws to our first meeting of 2017 and this highlighted some of the recent sentencing and fines given out to Construction Companies and Individuals within them.

A recent Construction Enquirer story about a Site Manager being jailed for manslaughter after a worker died following a trench collapse confirms that the plant operator responsible for ‘incorrectly excavating’  the trench also received a custodial sentence and a fine.

HCTA has been lucky enough to secure Zoe Drew as a speaker at our September meeting. Zoe is well known to us as a great speaker and trainer and is one of the directors at HCS Safety in Southampton. She will talk about levels of responsibility for Health & Safety at Work and outline what constitutes Temporary Works on site.

Make a note of the date and time now to avoid missing out!  13th September 10.00.  Please confirm your attendance when the Invitation and Reply slip are sent out next month!

Construction is still one of the most dangerous Industries, up there with Farming & Agriculture, Waste & Recycling and Manufacturing, with Construction having the most deaths by number.

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